• Equip Prospective public service Retirees with the skills to create comprehensive retirement plans.
  • Prepare Prospective Retirees for the transition to retirement with strategies for managing post-retirement life.
  • Provide prospective retirees with essential knowledge to plan, operate, and manage a business after retirement.
  • Educate Prospective Retirees on how retirement benefits efficiently are calculated and processed.
  • Introduce Prospective Retirees to available investment opportunities to secure financial stability in retirement.
  • Promote health and wellness among Prospective Retirees through education on mental health, HIV/AIDS, and chronic disease management.
  • Provide practical training to Prospective Retirees on managing life after retirement, including exposure to successful real-life projects
  • Strategic Retirement Planning for Public Service Employees
  • Post Public Service Retirement Life Management 
  • Business Planning, Operation, and Management for Prospective Retirees
  • Procedures for Retirement Benefits Calculation and Processing for Prospective Retirees
  • Investment Opportunities for Prospective Retirees (including UTT and AMIS funds)
  • Comprehensive Health Education for Prospective Retirees (Mental Health, HIV/AIDS, and Non-Communicable Chronic Diseases)
  • Practical Training on Post-Retirement Life Management (Including visits to real-life projects for retirees)

Public servants are expected to retire within five years of their public service life

Tzs. 650,000



Mrejesho, Malalamiko au Wazo